Tuesday 7 September 2010

Nap time

This weekend Daddy is getting tired from everything - even sitting on the couch makes him want to nap. Neive and I decided to get out the house and let him have his beauty sleep. Neive wanted to feed the swan and I had some bread that was past it's best. Am I the only person in the world that feels guilty giving swans bread that I wouldn't give to a human? It's like knowingly poising them. if it's in the gazette next week that one of them has died I will never forgive myself!

Suzzie's 3rd Birthday party

(Beth in party dress with black eyes! She fell again!)

Suzzie threw a disco for her 3rd birthday party (or should I say George and Alec as they did all the hard work). Neive loves to dance - although to the untrained eye it looks a lot like running in circles for hours on end with the occasional twirl thrown in.

This was totally up Neives street and she had a great time. Her eyes lit up at the massive chocolate cake George produced.

I tried to take photos which is quite hard to do with two kids that are both on the move. I think for most of the party I had no idea where Beth was and just hoped all the girls would be looking out for her. Anyway I'm not very good with the camera and always think if I take enough there'll be a good one in them. Well the kids kept runing about crazy and not matter how many pictures I took they are all blurred?!

My friend Alison is a brilliant photgrapher. Same venue, kids and lights and look what she manages to do. No contest really!

Friday 3 September 2010

Our week out of the house

So Monday was our usual toddlers, run to ballet, drop in on Laura unexpectedly and demand dinner. Tuesday we play dated morning and afternoon then decamped to Granny chicken house. On Thursday, We meet granny ducks in the hairdressers. Neive got her hair cut whilst granny was getting hers done. You can see she is as proud as punch she was doing the same thing as her granny. She sat as good as gold for the hairdresser.

We went for a play in the park after where Beth was trying to copy Neive this time.

Running to catch up with her and spinning round next to her big sister. She also looks as pleased as punch.

The rest of the day was spent in the trampoline and we had a BBQ at night - but don't tell dad as we want him to think that us being forced out of our house was a total hardship :0) Granpa did a brilliant job and getting the hang of his new BBQ. That will probably be the last BBQ of the summer.

The devil has red eyes

At the weekend we arranged to go out to the fringe with Craig and Alison to see Jason Byrne. Fraser had been ill since the wednesday before - just tired and grumpy. Then he caught an eye infection from Beth in one eye. By the weekend both eyes were sore and he was really struggling. I was adamant that we were going on an overnight away from the kids and he had just better perk up. We went on a pub crawl and then some tapas, more alcohol and then the show. Got in at 1 and we were all really rough the next day.

By Monday though Fraser couldn't even open his eyes so I called the Dr's and told them they were seeing my husband today. I ran him up there first thing in the morning and he came out with a pile of prescriptions. He has tonsilitous and a severe conjunctavitous in each eye. He needed total bed rest for two weeks. Well having kids running around the house makes it difficult to relax and catch up on sleep. So for all this week I have been out the house jumping from one playdate to the next and staying at my mum and dads. I'm happy to report that he can now see out of both his eyes and he is back on solid food. So we've all moved back home - we missed him lots and happy to see the back of Mr Grumpy pants.