Sunday 28 February 2010

The clear out

Today uncle Graeme and Auntie Kylie came to visit. Kylie is 7 months pregnant and looking fabulous! Still petite but a big bump to show off and glowing! This was my opportunity to try and pawn off as much baby stuff as I could. Since Beth has been born her nursery has been a dumping ground for baby stuff. You couldn't get in the room and once in you had trouble getting back out. It was so crammed that every time I went to get some clothes for Beth it left me totally uninspired although she has lots of beautiful stuff. Now it's back to being a cute (and tidy) nursery. When we were putting the stuff to the car a couple of teddy bears fell on the floor and Neive recognised them straight away. She asked what we were doing and we explained we were giving them to Kylie baby. Everyone was waiting for the screaming fit but she said "of course. I take it to car for baby". She has such a big heart. She gave Auntie Kylie a picture to take home but Uncle Graeme was not to get one (poor old uncle Graeme!) At bed time she was telling me that auntie Kylie was having a baby, it was in her tummy and it was going to be cute like our baby. You know what i think she's gonna be right!

Great Aunty Margaret

Neive always asks to go on a choo choo train whenever she sees one. It's quite odd that she thinks it so special but I suppose since she can't ever remember being in one before she may think they are exciting. We decided we would take the train to Glasgow and have lunch with Daddies auntie Margaret.

Everything about the train made Neives eyes pop out of her head. The buttons for the doors that light up, all the other people around us, the big windows, when trains would woosh past us the opposite way, the train conductor shouting tickets please! When we got off the train the blind dogs association were collecting money in the station and Neive got to pet two dogs - this made her day even better. We went to hamleys and the disney store and Neive got "the princess and the frog" musical instrument set.

Beth was sound asleep until we met up with Auntie Margaret for lunch. We went to la tasca and tried out some tapas on Neive. She loves olives and chorizo but not too keen on tortilla. Beth got loads of cuddles and sat in a high chair at the table (she's getting so big). Neive didn't want to go back home without auntie Margaret and kept asking her to come back with us - she promised to come and see us next week. We eventually coaxed her back on the train. We had a great day and the girls were so well behaved - the kinda kids that a stressed mum looks at and thinks why can't mine be more like them. Well done girls you made mummy and daddys day!

Friday 26 February 2010

Practice makes perfect

This week Neive has been spending loads of time practising her ballet moves. I load up you tube and play all the kids ballet recitals and she watches it and copies every move. I'm hoping this will familiarise her with the concept of dancing in front of a crowd - so she won't freak out on stage. I'm also getting her used to getting her hair up in a bun - as I can see tears and tantrums every night before the show! Thankfully, they have also supplied a tiara which is glittery. So I'm hoping this will help. She had a tantrum today because I have lost her ballet shoes. Well, in fact Fraser also had a tantrum because I've lost these ballet shoes. So I'll have to find them asap!!

We went to toddlers with Becky and spent most of the time dancing and singing. We even did the conga round the floor, under tables and over chairs. Becky was shattered on the way home and she still had Nursery to go to. Our other good news is that Lorna had her baby this morning at 10:36 - a baby boy. Congratulations! Can't wait to meet him.

Big girl swimming


This morning we went to the matinee at the cinema. They were showing the fantastic Mr Fox and we promised Neive we'd go. When we got there it was all sold out but there was seats for planet 51 (set on an alien planet). Neive spent the whole film asking "Where is the fox? When is he coming" she just couldn't understand that this was a different movie. We nipped in to the shops for some food shopping and Neive helped her daddy with the packing whilst I fed Beth in the car. After 20 minutes they still had not emerged from the shop! Daddy was putting the things in the bag and Neive was taking hem back out! Eventually daddy won and we headed to the swimming. This time Neive wore big girl armbands instead of a rubber ring. She must have swallowed half of the pool water but it didn't deter her. She can kick her legs and is learning how to keep afloat. Early to bed!



Some nice weather at last! We decided to take a walk down the woods for the first time this year. Neive jumoed in all the muddy puddles on the way - Thanks Peppa Pig!. We headed for the stream to play pooh sticks and everyone had to pick the best stick. I found a stick which is the spit of the "stickman" and just couldn't bring myself to throw him in. Daddy won as mummy and Neive's stick ended in the bushes instead of the water. ooops!. We then went to the place the trolls live and past the whooping wallow. We played a couple of games of eye spy - Neive is very good at this. You hacve to use clues instead of letters e.g something white! It was about a mile round trip and we made Neive walk the whole way. It was a great fammily outing.

Last of the brood!

Lorna is the last of the group to have her baby shower. Avril had it at her house and put on some nibbles. It's great to see all the kids playing so well with each other but it's a hell of a lot of children when you count it up.

John is in the middle of lambing and brought a baby lamb (less than 24 hours old) to see the kids. Neive and Caitlan were obsessed. The lambs were very nervous and pooped a bit. Jay stood in this poop and everyone soon went back in the house.

Neive and Caitlan however were obsessed with this lamb poop. They stood by the patio doors pointing at it and telling each other that is was in fact lamb poop and jay had stepped in it with his slipper. I left them to it and checked on them 15 minutes later and couldn't believe they were saying the same thing!

It was pretty fantastic to hear there little conversation. We gathered everyone up on the sofa to take some photos. Of course we'll have to do it again with Lorna's new addition. You can see already that Neive is taking her big sister job very seriously and is looking after Beth very well!

At night mummy had a well deserved night out with the girls and left us with our Daddy. Neive, the little angel, went straight to sleep much to daddies surprise. However, Beth, the little monster, decided tonight she would not be taking the bottle anymore (she is breastfed but takes a bottle if I have to go out) and that she would not be settled by anyone but her mummy. So four hours into babysitting she eventually feel asleep due to pure exhaustion. On the up side mummy had a great night out.

Pancake Day - Hoopla

I wanted to wait until Daddy got home before we made pancakes so that he could join in with fun. Dad will tell you he is a better cook than me and that he is a better hoopla thrower. That is not the case! and this pancake day I definently won the hoopla. I also won the "pancake actually shaped like a pancake" and the "who can make the most mess challenge" - better luck next year!

Neive couldn't believe her luck that she was being allowed to eat lots of chocolate before bed.

I don't think she cared whether the chocolate was on a pancake or a carboard box - she's a chocolate monster! A bit like her daddy!



Today was the Valentines disco at toddlers. The committee did a brilliant job getting the hall looking brilliant. Neive couldn't wait to wear a red and pink dress she got from her Uncle Graeme for Christmas. She let me do her hair and spent ages painting her own nails. Beth put on a gap dress from uncle Graeme too. She did so much running about I didn't get a good picture of her that wasn't just a blur.

Firstly, they did a dancing game where they have to stand on a heart when the music stops. Neive won and got a book as a prize. She was overjoyed. By this time Neive had spied the buffet table and got a plate to help herself. There was pink cupcakes, heart shaped pancakes, top hats, crisps, lollipops, sweet, sandwiches and some token fruit and raisins. To my amazement Neive sat and had two sandwiches and a yogurt before getting stuck into the sweeties. And when I say stuck in I mean she had 4 lollipops in a row - so she got really stuck in. Then there was more dancing and pass the parcel.

They gave out the Christmas presents (as the Christmas part was cancelled due to bad weather) and Neive got the stickman and gruffalos child. She made me sit and read them both there and then. Whilst we were cleaning up she drew on the floor with chalk. Neive isn't bad behaved at toddlers but 5 mums came up and said how fantastic Neive was being - she was in her element and loved every minute of it. Well Done to the committee and a big thank you. We had a great time.

Granny and Granpa chickens


Neive distinguishes between her grannies with animals. Granny and Granpa chickens is my mum and dad, who have chickens in their back garden. Granny and Granpa Ducks is Frasers mum and dad who have ducks at the farm next door to them. Neive loves animals. Every field you drive by she'll ask "did you see the ..... cow/sheep/horse etc" and will continue to ask the same question over and over till you eventually say yes! She also drags her grannies and granpa outside to see the animals and will stay out for ages and ages even after her cheeks have turned blue. She won't even come in when you try to blackmail her with sweets! This could be a huge factor in why every time we go to see Granpa chickens he always comes down with a bad cold.

Today, Neive spent the day with the chickens! Granny has bought some ceramic ornaments that needed to be painted. Neive chose a piggy and decided to paint it mostly red with brown ears.

After, they did some cooking in the kitchen and Granpa got to steal some cuddles from Beth when Neive wasn't looking.

I remember the only cooking my mum used to let me do was the boring stirring bits but she lets Neive loose! on the kitchen and on everything else. It's amazing what grannys let grandkids away with but Fraser and I as children would be put in the naughty corner (or had a scholl thrown at us).

New lanark


New lanark is a beautiful place. The sound of the waterfalls instantly makes you relax. They have a great sensory room with soft play, teepees, chimes, mirrors, light etc. We arranged to meet up with Suzzie and Rosa and have some fun play. Suzzie and Neive have been getting on great together and I got to catch up with George. Hid and seek is on of Neives favourites and basically being chased around. All you hear is "c'mon mmummy, c'mon suzzie, c'mon, c'mon"!!! I need to teach her it's "Come on". She's probably picked it up from me in the first place though. I was asking Fraser why she says "okaaaayyyy!" at the end of every sentence like cartman from South park but as soon as I said it I noticed that I actually do that. Children are like mirrors they pick up all your little bad habits.

Glutten for punishment


We desperately needed some food in the house and as it was only mid week I had to take both girls shopping to the supermarket. I thought making a fun day of it would make it a little easier. We started at lanark Loch where I pushed Neive around in her trike whilst Beth was in her papoose. This was a good plan till Neive wanted on all the play park swings and slides. Lifting a toddler and carrying a baby at the same time is pretty hard going. Eventually, thanks to the freezing cold weather, Neive wanted to go as she was getting really cold. But the minute we got to the car she needed a piddle. So we went into the inn on the loch for some coffee and cake and a warm up. Next we went to the supermarket. Neive was on her best behaviour and helped me all the way round and sat nice in her trolley. But in aisle 2 Beth started screaming - she's been teething badly! I had to carry Beth in my arms and push a toddler in a trolley all the way round the store whilst picking up the food/putting it onto the convyor belt and packing. I think they should enter this as an event in the olympics! By the time we got in I was shattered. So from now on food shopping at weekends only.


Even at 3 months old I can tell Beth is going to be a chatterbox just like her mummy. She can already talk - well when I say talk I mean squeal and blow bubbles. I'm convienced she's saying Hiya. Neive was also a quick learner in the talking department and copies everything you say. Lately, she has picked up that her daddy is called Fraser and her mummy is called Kirsty. It's a strange thing hearing her say "Kirsty!!!! You put me to bed?" Even stranger when she tell me "Darling, you lie down here" -She picked Darling up from her granpa.

Today at Ballerina lessons Neive told me all about what they had been learning. "Good toes" - pointing them in front of you and skipping.

Her recall is quite impresive for her age and can remember things that happened over a week ago. I hope this continues as she is doing her first ballet concert at the end of March. Shes only been going for two lessons so she won't have a clue what to do but I don't think they make the choreography very complex. Here's a sneak preview.

Tuesday 23 February 2010

The ferocious tiger

On Sunday I took Beth and Neive to Glasgow first thing to meet auntie Kylie and see the new Hamleys. Met at the Disney store where Neive picked out some shoes four sizes too big for her and sunglasses. It didn't matted how many times I explained we were going to Hamleys to see there toys first and then we'll buy her toy - she would not put them down. She even placed them in the buggy basket a couple of times but thankfully I noticed. Eventually I get her out of the Dinsey store and we went to see Hamleys. The soft toys are massive on display and lots of things for Neive to play with. There wasn't anything that took Neives fancies but this didn't stop her picking a fight with a small boy who wanted to see a Thomas the tank engine toy. She doesn't even like Thomas the tank?

By this point Neive was getting grumpy so I thought a bit of lunch would rally her back round. I think it gave Kylie an insight to what her life will be like when the baby arrives. Not one minutes peace ever again. Normally she'll sit nice and eat her lunch but she was determined to get up and run around. So every three seconds I had to tell her to sit back down. SO I had to promise to get her face painted if she sat down nice. Neive decided to get her face painted like a tiger. She sat nice and the girl did a brilliant job. After that it was to Clintons for her daddies Valentines card. Neive picked out a cuddly toy and as I was paying for it she spotted a soft toy dog. This I was not prepared to buy and put back down and this was the straw that broke the camels back. Neive decided to bite my wrist and kept her jaws down for a good minute. In my head all I could think was don't act like crazy mum people are watching. I had to eventually wrestle with her jaw to get free. Moral of the story tell grandmas to not let Neive stay up till 10 o'clock at night. She started a screaming fit when we got out the store and I told her how unhappy I was with her. She wiped all her face Paint off - So it lasted all of 20 minutes and oh by the way there was no toys bought that day.



On the way home Neive was desperate for the toilet and we had to stop at her cousins. The sleep she had in the car made her slightly m0re sociable and she loved playing in back garden.

Princess and the Frog

We watch a lot of Disney because I love Disney and force it on the kids. The newest movie "Princess and the frog" has been advertised all over the Disney channel and I promised Neive we'd go as soon as it was out. We all went and Beth was brilliant through the whole movie - you couldn't even guess the was a baby in the cinema. This isn't Beths first movie as I made her go to Twilight:New moon with me as I was desperate to see it. Neive said she loved it but Fraser had to keep her quite from about halfway through. Then we took boh the girls swimming. This was Beths first trip to the pool. She wasn't as happy swimming as Neive was (when she was a baby) and looked puzzled mostly. But she never cried which was a good sign. Everyone was knackered by the time we got home and Grannie Joan invited Neive over for a sleep over (letting her stay up till 10 o'clock). but also letting me and F have a quiet night. We stayed in and watched a DVD.

Play at home

Beth is getting much bigger and taken a good growth spurt recently. She can just about fit in the bouncer and Neive is Beths best teacher.

I explained that Beth doesn't know any words and spends ages pointing to different toys and explaining what they are for Beth. Neive also got a hand me down dolls house from her cousin Becky. She loves playing with it and is now only at the stage where she'll place the dolls and furniture in the house and tell stories. Her favourite doll is the baby who always gets rocked in the cot. She also loves her fishing game and has made everyone she knows play at least 50 games. This includes Beth who is just beginning to grip the fishing rod.

Thursday 4 February 2010

Playdate with Suzzie


Beth was due her second immunisation on Tuesday. So Neive went to Suzzanna's house for a playdate while I waited at the doctors, which was lucky as they were running really late. I would have struggled keeping her entertained for over an hour. Beth was brilliant and didn't even cry!

As you can see Suzzie and Neive got on like a house on fire. Suzzie is now Neive's bestest friend and she asks all the time to go and visit. When I came to pick her up I asked if she'd missed me and she said "No!". This is meant to make me feel like I have a well adjusted toddler who doesn't suffer separation anxiety but it didn't.

Neive Ballerina

At toddlers SPELL came and did a pirate themed session. Neive came back saying captain Hook was everywhere and she had to dig for buried treasure - ooo ar!. And that mummy constantly has a parrot on her head. She must have really enjoyed this one.

In the afternoon it was Neives first Ballerina lesson. She has a pink loetard and pretty balleina shoes. She looked beautiful. These are lessons where you let them go in their self. She wasn't bothered in the slightest but I sat in the waiting room just in case. From what I can figure out from Neive they spent the lesson learning to skip around the room. They drew pictures on the floor in chalk and jumped and skipped onto each one. When she came out she kept trying to sneak back into the studio. I eventually got her re-dressed but she can't wait until next week. I am struggling to get a picture because Neive wont sit still. Here's the best i could do.

Swimming with Suzie

We have been promising Neive swimming since December but everytime we try and go something always happens. Its either been closed or snowing or in use. Eventually we managed to go on Sunday. Lanark has just opened a new pool and it was very busy. Suzzie and her daddy met us there. The girls were splashing and chasing each other around in the water loving every minute. Both mummies were sitting watching having coffee and a chat. Neive thinks that is all mummy does is chat. That is why her favourite saying just now is "stop talking mummy!"

Once everyone was all dried Suzzie and Neive camped out by the window looking over the pool. They were having big conversations about the boys jumping into the water backwards. - they are both very cute. Neive is getting really confident at swimming and you can hear her happy screams from the cafe.

Caitlans party

Pretty far behind with my posts as I couldn't find the lead for my camera to get the pictures off them. Here is the last months posts/


Caitlan(one of Neive's friends) turned two and had a party at her house. The kids played lots of party games and seem to eventually understand the concept. The parcel in "pass the parcel" actually got passed around the circle without tantrums or arguments and only one layer was unwrapped at any time.

Kids actually stood still at musical statues (not for long) and they all wore the face mask for pin the tail. Lorna put on a brilliant spread and there was even a mickey mouse pinata filled with sweets and toys.

Afterwards Neive visited her Granny Joan before falling asleep in mummy's bed for her nap. The day must have knackered her out as we couldn't wake her for dinner. We were going to a friends house for an Italian night but ended up getting there late. Neive eventually rallied round and we all enjoyed the evening.

Wednesday 3 February 2010


Daddy was in London for a few days on work so we all went to stay At granny Coyles house. On the Thursday we went to Peebles for a day trip. Granny wanted to take Neive swimming but the baby pool was out of commission and there was a big school in the main pool. So we decided to go down the riverside and go to the park. My camera battery was dead so no photos. It was perishing and after 20 minutes on the swings and slides Neive was purple. We took a walk up the street and grabbed a coffee and Juice at a cafe to warm us all up. peebles is a lovely town but has a huge amount of charity shops. So we popped into them all to see what toys were on offer. Neive found a magnet fishing game, which she has since made everyone play at least 50 times. Then it was back to Grans to feed the chickens. We eventually went home om Friday.


Last Wednesday, after a weekend of everyone being ill, I decided to take Beth to the Doctors to check her cough out before we took Neive to nursery. It'd been a week and her throat sounded really sore due to all the coughing. She's been struggling to breath and had a really runny nose but no temperature at least.

Next we took Neive to Nursery. Now, When Nevie was 9 months old and starting to walk she decided to try and walk to the kitchen. She let go of the sofa fell and banged her head. Lots of high pitched screams then she blacks out! This was obviously very scary for F and I as we thought she'd died. After calling the ambulance and rushing to the hospital to get her checked out she got the all clear. Seemingly, When Neive experiences bad pain she copes by holding her breath until she passes out. Eventually she catches her breath (you blow in her face to help her) and comes around. So we are walking down the lane to her nursery and she is skipping - actually skipping - to nursery. Normally it's "but mum I want to stay with you". She trips over thin air and lands flat out on the pavement. I'm carrying Beth in the car seat and put her down to pick Neive up. Neive is screaming and screaming and then passes out. The rain starts coming down, Neive is covered in dirt and another mum in the close is trying to call an ambulance. I'm trying to tell her everything is okay whilst blowing on Neives face and she's out longer than normal. Eventually comes around and wants carried the rest of the way. So I'm carrying Neive and Beth all the way down the close and into nursery. By the time we get there I am knackered. I have to strip Neive and eventually calm her down so I could leave. This time it even freaked me out. Every other time we've been indoors and I've been in control. I hope she grows out of this soon!

So this makes us late for Beths playdate at Alisons. All of Neives little friends mums have just had second babies too (or are due at any moment). Daniel and Rosa are 6 months and Lee Lee is 10 months. It's not often the play is baby centric instead it's normally toddler mayhem. So it was lovely getting to play with the babies and of course having a catch up with the mums too.