On Sunday I took Beth and Neive to Glasgow first thing to meet auntie Kylie and see the new Hamleys. Met at the Disney store where Neive picked out some shoes four sizes too big for her and sunglasses. It didn't matted how many times I explained we were going to Hamleys to see there toys first and then we'll buy her toy - she would not put them down. She even placed them in the buggy basket a couple of times but thankfully I noticed. Eventually I get her out of the Dinsey store and we went to see Hamleys. The soft toys are massive on display and lots of things for Neive to play with. There wasn't anything that took Neives fancies but this didn't stop her picking a fight with a small boy who wanted to see a Thomas the tank engine toy. She doesn't even like Thomas the tank?
By this point Neive was getting grumpy so I thought a bit of lunch would rally her back round. I think it gave Kylie an insight to what her life will be like when the baby arrives. Not one minutes peace ever again. Normally she'll sit nice and eat her lunch but she was determined to get up and run around. So every three seconds I had to tell her to sit back down. SO I had to promise to get her face painted if she sat down nice. Neive decided to get her face painted like a tiger. She sat nice and the girl did a brilliant job. After that it was to Clintons for her daddies Valentines card. Neive picked out a cuddly toy and as I was paying for it she spotted a soft toy dog. This I was not prepared to buy and put back down and this was the straw that broke the camels back. Neive decided to bite my wrist and kept her jaws down for a good minute. In my head all I could think was don't act like crazy mum people are watching. I had to eventually wrestle with her jaw to get free. Moral of the story tell grandmas to not let Neive stay up till 10 o'clock at night. She started a screaming fit when we got out the store and I told her how unhappy I was with her. She wiped all her face Paint off - So it lasted all of 20 minutes and oh by the way there was no toys bought that day.
On the way home Neive was desperate for the toilet and we had to stop at her cousins. The sleep she had in the car made her slightly m0re sociable and she loved playing in back garden.
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