Even at 3 months old I can tell Beth is going to be a chatterbox just like her mummy. She can already talk - well when I say talk I mean squeal and blow bubbles. I'm convienced she's saying Hiya. Neive was also a quick learner in the talking department and copies everything you say. Lately, she has picked up that her daddy is called Fraser and her mummy is called Kirsty. It's a strange thing hearing her say "Kirsty!!!! You put me to bed?" Even stranger when she tell me "Darling, you lie down here" -She picked Darling up from her granpa.
Today at Ballerina lessons Neive told me all about what they had been learning. "Good toes" - pointing them in front of you and skipping.

Her recall is quite impresive for her age and can remember things that happened over a week ago. I hope this continues as she is doing her first ballet concert at the end of March. Shes only been going for two lessons so she won't have a clue what to do but I don't think they make the choreography very complex. Here's a sneak preview.

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