Today was the Valentines disco at toddlers. The committee did a brilliant job getting the hall looking brilliant. Neive couldn't wait to wear a red and pink dress she got from her Uncle Graeme for Christmas. She let me do her hair and spent ages painting her own nails. Beth put on a gap dress from uncle Graeme too. She did so much running about I didn't get a good picture of her that wasn't just a blur.
Firstly, they did a dancing game where they have to stand on a heart when the music stops. Neive won and got a book as a prize. She was overjoyed. By this time Neive had spied the buffet table and got a plate to help herself. There was pink cupcakes, heart shaped pancakes, top hats, crisps, lollipops, sweet, sandwiches and some token fruit and raisins. To my amazement Neive sat and had two sandwiches and a yogurt before getting stuck into the sweeties. And when I say stuck in I mean she had 4 lollipops in a row - so she got really stuck in. Then there was more dancing and pass the parcel.
They gave out the Christmas presents (as the Christmas part was cancelled due to bad weather) and Neive got the stickman and gruffalos child. She made me sit and read them both there and then. Whilst we were cleaning up she drew on the floor with chalk. Neive isn't bad behaved at toddlers but 5 mums came up and said how fantastic Neive was being - she was in her element and loved every minute of it. Well Done to the committee and a big thank you. We had a great time.
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