Neive distinguishes between her grannies with animals. Granny and Granpa chickens is my mum and dad, who have chickens in their back garden. Granny and Granpa Ducks is Frasers mum and dad who have ducks at the farm next door to them. Neive loves animals. Every field you drive by she'll ask "did you see the ..... cow/sheep/horse etc" and will continue to ask the same question over and over till you eventually say yes! She also drags her grannies and granpa outside to see the animals and will stay out for ages and ages even after her cheeks have turned blue. She won't even come in when you try to blackmail her with sweets! This could be a huge factor in why every time we go to see Granpa chickens he always comes down with a bad cold.
Today, Neive spent the day with the chickens! Granny has bought some ceramic ornaments that needed to be painted. Neive chose a piggy and decided to paint it mostly red with brown ears.
After, they did some cooking in the kitchen and Granpa got to steal some cuddles from Beth when Neive wasn't looking.
I remember the only cooking my mum used to let me do was the boring stirring bits but she lets Neive loose! on the kitchen and on everything else. It's amazing what grannys let grandkids away with but Fraser and I as children would be put in the naughty corner (or had a scholl thrown at us).
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