They have a great big play park and sand area. We all had a shot on the slide. Mum and Lorna landed flat out on their backs on the sand. Unfortunately, I wasn't quick enough to get photos just one of Granny covered in sand trying to look calm and collected.
Caitlan, Becky and I had cottoned on by this time.
We headed to the boats which take you to see the monkeys. Leah loved the boat and would have dived into the water given half a chance.
Alison and Jennifer were cooking the BBQ and the food was delicious - the weather even stayed nice for us. Afterwards, I shoved Neive on the helter skelter all by herself as I thought she could take it. She screamed all the way and cried quite a bit at the bottom of the slide. Jennifer came to her rescue. Eventually Granny coaxed her on it again but this time on her knee and she loved it.
The kids all got their faces painted and went on the amusement rides. Neive, Isla and Zara chose a tiger and Alastair was spiderman. As soon as it was on his face he wanted it off. So Jennifer pretended to wipe it all off but every time someone would come up and say "wow spiderman" He looked at his mummy thinking "somethings up here!". Neive gave Beth a painted face too - only because she kept kissing her and rubbing it on her face by accident.
We headed home at about 4:30 and everyone was exhausted. It was a great day out and I only posted 1/4 of the photos I took. This post could have been very very long!
you have had a busy April so far!!