Sunday 7 November 2010

Edinburgh Zoo is Boo Hoo!

Fraser decided a day out at Edinburgh Zoo would be a good family way of celebrating Neive's birthday. I can go on record saying that I hate Edinburgh zoo. It is a total rip off. We must have walked round 50 enclosures and seen 3 animals!!! Hence total lack of pictures. The penguin parade had four penguins in it (false advertising!) It was freezing, the food was horrible but what bugged me the most (Even more than it being built on a steep hill!)was the lack of baby facilities. I couldn't find a bottle warmer, the baby change was in the women's toilet so Fraser got out of changing dirty nappies all day scott free. Daddies do have babies too!. The play parks were not baby friendly (any of them). Fraser said he'd take them back when they are much bigger. I think I'll be washing my hair that day. baa humbug!

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