Sunday 7 November 2010

Happy Birthday Daddy - 34 Today (13th Sept)

Daddy doesn't like a fuss at his birthday. So mummy (totally respecting his feelings) made sure he had a birthday party where all the attention would be on him. Much to his delight ;)

(Who are you looking at! - people often say they can't believe how much Beth looks like Fraser. I don't mind really as long as she doesn't always look as scary as she does in this pic)

We got the chance to meet Ellie (Neive new bestest friend - this is mostly everyone she meets but she definitely took a shine to Ellie) We had a play about outside before dinner. Neive's football skills are very impressive but Beth just keeps picking the ball up. Maybe she'll be a rugby player like her daddy. Neive and Beth helped Daddy blow out the birthday candles and Beth tasted her grannies curry for the first time.

I think she liked it! Fraser - Happy Birthday & we all love you lots!

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