On Sunday Mummy escaped the house without any sick kids in tow. Lou D came up from London (last time she visits before she turns the dreaded 30). SO we met up for brunch in Glasgow princess st gardens with a bunch of her close friends. It was really fun catching up and brought back loads of memories from my uni days. Lynne brought along her beautiful baby, Lauren, who was 6 weeks old. They are so easy to take places at that age. She slept and looked beautiful - what more do you need from a baby. I really enjoyed catching with Lou and I felt more like one of the girls from sex and the city (unfortunately still didn't look like any of them) than a dowdy (nearly 30) mum of two with baby snot and spew all over me.
So on Thursday I noticed three spots on Neive and suspected they were chicken pox. By Friday I counted over 20. On Saturday she had loads. I made her pose for a photo (I am so mean) but she wanted to see the spots on her back too. We got a liquid anti histamines so there has been no scratching. Obviously, the Dr really likes me because this stuff makes kids drowsy. So Neive has been watching loads of TV and brother bear and eating loads of ice-cream. She is in her element. No fever, aches or pains just spots. I'm hoping Beth doesn't catch it as she's still breastfeeding and I should pass on her immunity. I think it's only Daisy so far who has also caught it but I think we got off lightly as the rest of our crowd have a virus and been really ill! Hopefully we'll all be back to normal soon.
On Baby Beth news flash - she has now got her first tooth. It's been a long time coming and she has started to walk with the aid of her push along walker. We are up to three steps. She can also balance and stand unaided for 3 seconds (which isn't much but it's all baby steps). she can crawl a little faster and get about the living room but she enjoys the sit in walker the most as she can really gather up some speed.
Baby Maya was born on Thursday the 27th of May weighing 8lb and 10 oz. Welcome to the world and congratulations Graeme and Kylie. Unfortunately, We never managed to meet the gorgeous Maya in person as Neive has the chicken pox. Fingers crossed she'll be better in no time and we can give our newest member of the family big sloppy kisses soon.
On Tuesday we went to Polkement park for some arts and crafts. Create is a cool wee shop that the kids can pick ceramic ornaments to paint. Neive picked a dog and did a brilliant job of painting it with spots (She does not get her artistic abilities from me) We got Beths footprint and Neives hand print too. They get fired and glazed over the weekend and we can pick them up next week. There was a soft play at the back for the shop and Aunt Margaret (actually Caitlans Aunty but by the end of the day she was everybodys' Aunt Margaret) looked after them all. Then we went to the park for a play and there was some seriously good equipment to play on.
They had a fort, swings, a massive Caterpillar thingy (see pics)flying fox, tyre swing, sand area with some diggers.
The kids had a brilliant time and the mummies were on quite a few things too.
We had our picnic in the courtyard where we could keep an eye on everyone. All the kids were picking and choosing what to eat from other peoples packed lunch boxes. Obviously, other peoples mums make better food.
We couldn't get the kids to get back in the car to go home without bribing them with ice-cream. All the kids got on great and there were no fights or quibbles. Brilliant day had by all! Here's a pic of Beth giving the day a round of applause. She started clapping her hands last week.
Isla and Leahs Granny knew how much Neive wanted a ballet skirt but I couldn't find them anywhere. So she sent one all the way from America. Neive loves it and I can hardly get it in the wash. Thank you very much Ann!
It was a beautiful weekend as the sun was shining. We had to run some errands and visit IKEA of all places. I am determined to finish this Wendy house by the end of the week and had to get some bits and piece.
After we headed home to hang out in the garden. We took a BBQ down to Granny and Grandpa ducks house. Granny gave Beth her first ice-cream (trust it to be a chocolate one) but she loved it as you can see. We stayed overnight and neive refused to go to sleep. Eventually she gave in around 9.30! On Sunday we went swimming and Neive tried to dive bomb into the pool without her arm bands on. Mum was not amused.
Beth has been working on her walking. We have a play table which you can stand her next too and she can play. She looses her balance and falls on her bum. As I was going out the door to the swimming I put her on her bum next to the table. As I waked past her again she was standing up. She had pulled herself up all by herself for the first time and no-one was about to see it! Poor sausage - that's a second baby for you.
Today at toddlers spell did a special clay workshop for the kids, Neive made a spider and Beth made a man (with a lot of help from Auntie Laura). Becky was showing off her skills and did a miniature mushroom garden.
We got home and Daisy came over for lunch. It was beautiful outside and the girls played really well together while Kirsty and I got to chat. Afterwards, everyone came over to celebrate Granpa chickens 56th birthday. We had a bbq (which I made granpa make) Zack said they were the best burgers ever ever ever!!! Much to Granpa's delight. Granny chickens then continued to feed the kids sweets, popcorn and cake till they burst. Ben is now Neive's hero as she was obsessed with him and followed him around like a superstar.
We met up with George, Suzzie and Rosa today and you'll never believe it but the kids were actually wearing shorts and a t-shirt!! It was beautiful weather and we headed to the burn braes with our fishing nets. The girls caught a bunch of stone and a water slug but no fish!
They couldn't believe they could walk through the river or that cars kept splashing as they went through the river. We had a nice picnic and then headed for an ice-cream. Eventually we visited granny chicken house so Suzie could see the frog, chickens, birds and play in the sand pit, bouncy castle and pond. George eventually coaxed her away at 4,30. The girls played brilliantly together - the best so far and Mummy had a really good time too.
We had our usual manic day on Monday with toddlers, lunch and then heading to Ballet. Granny Chickens always comes over to help on a Monday as it is exhausting. Neive loves going to the ballet (Daisy has started going too) and Beth loves the chance to get some kisses and cuddles from Auntie Janette.
On Sunday we went to visit Alison, Craig, Isla and Leah on the fish farm. Craig was showing the kids how to fish. Although Fraser and I had never done it either! They took us to the nursery bit where there is hundreds of fish and we wouldn't be waiting too long for a bite. In fact as soon as Craig cast off the fish were biting and it took minutes to catch one. If that's what fishing was like I could see why people enjoy it - for the excitement. But seemingly, it's not like that at all and it takes hours to catch anything!? Within 20 minutes we had three fish - one for Gail and Finlay, One for us and one for Alison and Craig and we had already thrown two back.
One blue fish which was too pretty to eat and a baby one. To my disbelief Neive and Beth both touched the fish without a second thought.
Obviously they were not looking at the horror on my face. We stayed and hung out, had dinner and took the fish home for dinner on Monday night. It was lovely by the way but Daddy had to do all the touching of it until it was cooked! I'm pathetic!
Last night was the first time Beth slept through the night. 10 pm till 5:30 am!!! Well done baby - Here's hoping this is just the start of the good night sleeps to come.
We woke up this morning and you could tell that Daddy had 'ants in his pants'. He was determined we were going out for the day but it looked like it was going to rain so the zoo and parks were out. We decided to head to the Glasgow science centre. We were very surprised at how much there was for Neive and Beth to do. Everything there can be touched and tested. This really confused Neive as normally were screaming at her not to touch. She couldn't quite believe it and kept looking over her shoulder to make sure it was okay. After the first five minutes she just went berserk running from one exhibit to the next. It took us till 2 o'clock to coax her off the first floor for lunch. There was a photo booth that took your photo and morphed your picture. The pics are hilarious. F and I both age horribly but for some reason F turns into some sort of Glasgow gangster!?
Daddy showed Neive what he does at work with the crane exhibit.
I'm not sure who liked it the best though! There was dress up, giant bubbles, soft paly and water to play with.
We also went to the planetarium where you could see the stars and planet. There was a wallace and gromit area with a slide (which looked like a bath tub and drain pipe). Neive refused point blank to leave but eventually exhaustion kicked in.
On Tuesday Alison, Jennifer and I Plus Kids went on a walk down the woods. Alastair is just starting to talk and he loves the book "The gruffalo". The walk started out well but 10 minutes into the woods Alastair wanted to be carried because the Gruffulo was going to get him - an hour later poor Jennifer was still carrying him. I fell into the bog much to the kids horror! No-one would even come and speak to me - the kids just keps pointing and crying at my muddy leg and the adults just kept laughing at me. It really knackered everyone out though and I realised that I'll miss out on days like this when I'm back at work so have to make the most of it while I can.
After toddlers we went horse riding with daisy. Neive was so excited. She got Texas to ride on and her hat kept falling down over her eyes. She held on to the reigns all the way along and loved it.
Daisy has been quite a few times and she got a much bigger pony to ride on. I asked what was better horse riding or ballet and she said horse riding! So she must have really loved it. There was also a cat and dog for her to chase around.