So on Thursday I noticed three spots on Neive and suspected they were chicken pox. By Friday I counted over 20. On Saturday she had loads. I made her pose for a photo (I am so mean) but she wanted to see the spots on her back too. We got a liquid anti histamines so there has been no scratching. Obviously, the Dr really likes me because this stuff makes kids drowsy. So Neive has been watching loads of TV and brother bear and eating loads of ice-cream. She is in her element. No fever, aches or pains just spots. I'm hoping Beth doesn't catch it as she's still breastfeeding and I should pass on her immunity. I think it's only Daisy so far who has also caught it but I think we got off lightly as the rest of our crowd have a virus and been really ill! Hopefully we'll all be back to normal soon.

On Baby Beth news flash - she has now got her first tooth. It's been a long time coming and she has started to walk with the aid of her push along walker. We are up to three steps. She can also balance and stand unaided for 3 seconds (which isn't much but it's all baby steps). she can crawl a little faster and get about the living room but she enjoys the sit in walker the most as she can really gather up some speed.
God, I haven't seen you in two weeks and Beth can stand and take a couple of steps!!!! Amazing!!! You'll need extra eyes now :)