Happy Birtthday Daniel - 1 today!
Hard to beleive but Daniel turned 1 today. No idea how that has happened. It seems like yesyerday that he was born. Charlene and Allan hired a hall and the spell lady to put on a Mickey Mouse clubbouse themed show. It's one of our favourite sows so you can imagine how much fun we had.
They also had pass the parcel, musical chairs and bubbles plus loads to eat. Alan got really involved when the pom poms came out.
As you can see the birthday boy did brilliantly blowing out his candles.
In the afternoon Mum headed out to Aarons head wetting in Glasgow. We went to November in princess gardens.
The air coditioning was not on and it was roasting after buying a ridiculous amount of cocktails for 23 women and a hell of a lot of nagging - staff served us all lollies to cool us back down - yummy.
Then we eat at Barca the tapas bar. Obviously more drink was consumed and by the time we got the last train back everyone was very very very merry. The train was like a party in itself with the girls competing against 60 boys for best singer. Sorry girls -they so won. Here's a pic of the hilarity on the train - sorry all other have been removed due to explicit material.
On the taxi ride back a very drunk Lorna convinced a very drunk everyone else that a party at Avrils was a good idea - maybe if we were all 20 and had no kids! At about 2 o'clock we were all asleep in her conservatory and couldn't hear the taxi ringing the bell. Eventually got home at 3 and was up with kids from 9. F did give me a lie in but he was up with Beth 4 times during the night and did the morning shift. He just couldn't take it any longer.
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