Although it is the start of July the weather was awful. It was stormy rain on Saturday and the only time we ventured out of the house was to buy paint for the house (that's F's next ten weekends booked). Neive does not like being stuck in the house. She goes stir crazy which in turn make mum and dad stir crazy. On the bright side Neive and Beth are playing much better. Neive made a house by the corner of the couch and Beth was allowed in but not allowed to leave. They both played happily and 8 months in, I managed to get a good picture of both of them together. No tears from either of them. Bliss

Although the weather still wasn't brilliant on Sunday we were going out regardless. So we took a long walk through the wood to burn off some steam.

Neive looks like a crazy person as she was told she ad to wear wellies (for jumping in muddy puddles) and she wanted to wear a ballet tutu! Isn't it a shame that you can't get away with that when you are 29.

We headed to the play park to fly a kite and play on the swings. Now who does everyone agree with here - Neive is two and I personally think that F is pushing her just a little too high! Even if she does look like she's enjoying it?!

Great picture of the two of them!! I have been trying for months to get one of my girls together that I like....I will keep striving :)