As everyone in my life knows Saturday the 26th of June was oompa loompa day - also known as Carstairs Gala. Unless you have an orange face and green hair I probably haven't spent any time with you in the last month. Organising gala day floats are hard work by the way#1 - but lots of fun too. We all got up at 6am to start on the float - which looked fabulous. Granpa Dougie, Lorna and Daddy worked very hard putting it all together. Laura, Lorna, Charlene, Mum and Jennifer have been arts and crafts crazy for the last three weeks doing things for this float.

Aunty Laura and Uncle Gordon were first to arrive in the morning and promply handed them the hoover as I ran to get dressed. Trying to keep the house clean was just mission impossible. First everyone came to get changed into oompa loompa outfits. We headed to the judging (second prize)

We had an hour in the procession driving the streets of Carstairs (who knew there even was enough streets in Carstairs for it to take an hour) a quick play in the park, back to mine for everyone to get back into normal clothes, then back to the green for our treat tickets and fun in the park with Granny Ducks and Becky (next door neighbour).

Around 3ish we headed back to the house for a bbq. Thank god we have such good friends that just chip in when needed. Everyone had a brilliant time and I hope the photos and memories will be remembered in the future but I couldn't have done it without my mum, Laura, Lorna, Charlene and Jennifer - Oh and my loving and very very very patient husband! Thank you everyone.
welldone kirsty too on all her hard work!!